About me

Welcome! I am a post-doctoral research scientist at the Center for Injury Research and Policy at Nationwide Children's Hospital. I completed my Ph.D. in Geography at The Ohio State University in 2023, my Master's in Geography and GIS at the University of Utah in 2019, and Bachelor's in Urban and Regional Planning from the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) in 2015. My research interests include: 1. Human mobility (multimodal accessibility and travel behavior), 2. Sustainability, social equity and resilience, and public health 3. Geospatial data science and space-time modeling. I have publications in several well-reputed peer-reviewed journals, including Transportation Research Part D, Annals of the American Association of Geographers (AAG), Applied Geography, Journal of Transport Geography, Transportation Research Record (TRR), and Risk Analysis.

I am a passionate advocate for transit and pedestrian-friendly transportation systems, actively dedicated to promoting sustainable travel environments within our communities. My doctoral dissertation focuses on pioneering a novel concept and measure known as inclusive accessibility. This approach integrates people’s diverse travel choices and experiences into advancing space-time accessibility models. I posit this measure as a more realistic and socially aware representation of accessibility, as it distinguishes between the geographic spaces that are physically and perceptually accessible to individuals and social groups. My PhD dissertation also demonstrates application of inclusive accessibility approach in tailoring transportation infrastructure interventions specific to marginalized communities.

The figure illustrates geographic variations in walking perceptions between high-income white men and low-income women of color, along with its influence on the inclusive access measure for these respective social groups.

In addition, most of my research fall under the umbrella of social equity. I explore the socio-economic differences and its underlying inequalities in travel patterns and food and healthcare access. Besides, investigating community resilience during disruptions is another significant contribution of my research. I conduct research on how marginalized communities were disproportionally affected during COVID-19 and other climatic events.

I have expertise in GIScience, data science and space-time modeling in addressing complex social science problems. My research uses machine learning algorithms (e.g., random forest, support vector machine, logistic regression, neural networks, and few-shot learning techniques), statistical models (e.g., bayesian model, multilevel model, hurdle model, and GLMs), spatial and space-time analytics (e.g., spatially weighted interaction models, space-time regression kriging, space-time accessibility) and network analytics and optimization algorithms.